Saturday, January 5, 2013

Selling Hope

In the classes that I taught this past semester, I found myself constantly trying to neutralize words with my students. Teaching Leadership can be a very vague task, and part of it is getting students to understand the value of an objective perspective.  So much of what we do in life is subjective, which eliminates our ability to see things as clearly as we'd probably like.  That said, whenever we used terms that typically get a negative connotation, "power, ignorant, and self-preserving," to name a few, I reminded my students that we simply perceive these as negative terms because of how they've been framed.

What I didn't get to do as much is look at the other end of the spectrum - identifying words that are typically framed in a positive light, but should also be used objectively.  One word  that I did share with them was "service," and how our society likes to associate "service" with giving blood, building houses, or serving soup.  Meanwhile "service" can also mean the service of any purpose.  After all, that's what we as people do, we serve our own purposes.  Ghandi and Mother Theresa served purposes, but so did Hitler and Stalin.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Peeping Tom

Note to the reader: To help frame the context, this post was drafted in mid-August of 2012, and due to a lack of commitment by the author, this Blog experienced a good two months of inactivity, resulting in this now being posted on 10/1.

No, this isn't what it sounds like.  So this summer I picked up a 10-visit pass to a local community pool because I wanted to add a new workout to my repertoire.  I have done some occasional swimming in the past, but never anything on a consistent basis, I think I would give myself anywhere from a 5.5 to a 6 on a 10-point scale of swimming ability.  My first visit was pretty comical, as it could not have been more evident that I was a rookie.  Now, it's an olympic-sized pool that alternates between long course (50m) and short course (25m) setups.  On that first day, it was thankfully setup for short course, and I think I did about 4 total lengths (100m) in 20 minutes, before I was exhausted.

For my 3rd visit to the pool, due to the timing of my day, I had no choice but to go during long course time.  Not only was I out of breath by time I finished one 50m length, I was worried that I would have to stop midway and tread water.