Monday, October 1, 2012

Peeping Tom

Note to the reader: To help frame the context, this post was drafted in mid-August of 2012, and due to a lack of commitment by the author, this Blog experienced a good two months of inactivity, resulting in this now being posted on 10/1.

No, this isn't what it sounds like.  So this summer I picked up a 10-visit pass to a local community pool because I wanted to add a new workout to my repertoire.  I have done some occasional swimming in the past, but never anything on a consistent basis, I think I would give myself anywhere from a 5.5 to a 6 on a 10-point scale of swimming ability.  My first visit was pretty comical, as it could not have been more evident that I was a rookie.  Now, it's an olympic-sized pool that alternates between long course (50m) and short course (25m) setups.  On that first day, it was thankfully setup for short course, and I think I did about 4 total lengths (100m) in 20 minutes, before I was exhausted.

For my 3rd visit to the pool, due to the timing of my day, I had no choice but to go during long course time.  Not only was I out of breath by time I finished one 50m length, I was worried that I would have to stop midway and tread water.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Pushing Carts

So last night I was running some errands at Walmart and made an impulse decision.  I probably spent about 20 minutes in the store, crossing things off of my shopping list, and then went out to my car.  It was somewhere between 8pm and 9pm, and I had nothing else planned except getting home and going to bed early.  I got to my car, emptied my cart, and looked for the closest cart-station.